Monday, February 14, 2011

Deet Free Insect Repellent Vs Regular Insect Repellent - Which One is Better?

There is a new product out now by a lot of manufacturing products which are a broad spectrum of picaridin products. It is 20 percent picaridin, which is going to be a little bit stronger. You're not going to have to apply it quite as frequently and they often advertise that it's a very good product. All of these companies have been making picaridin for quite some time. Most of them are at 15 percent, they also make a 7 percent product.

One thing with insect repellent that you want to always consider that they haven't brought up previously, is that you never want to use an aerosol if you can possibly avoid it. An aerosol in order for it to spray, it is gong to have alcohol in it. And if you think about what alcohol does to the pores of your skin, alcohol dilutes the pores of your skin, and that's going to increase the absorption rate of the active ingredient in your repellent. And you don't want it to absorb in your skin, you want it to float on top of your skin. So if you ever use an insect repellent along with a sunscreen. Put the sunscreen on first, let it absorb into your skin and then float your insect repellent on top of your skin.

On the other hand, one of the most effective methods of repelling mosquitoes is deet. A lot of people are afraid of deet, because it does melt plastic and you would not want to use deet with, if you're going to be handling fishing line, you don't want to spray it on mosquito netting. You don't want to put it on,if you have a plastic or rubberized watch band. But, deet has been around for 50 years and it has never killed anybody, it has never made anybody seriously ill. The only possible issue with deet is you might get a liitle skin irritation if you are allergic to it. But, deet is the most effective method of repelling mosquitoes.

Deet comes in many, many different formats and many, many different concentrations. You can go from 100 percent deet, which is really about ninety percent deet. You have controlled released products as well which is usually a polymer encapsulated deet molecule, so it wears off at different times during the application.

One application of this particular product will last for 8 to 12 hours. You also have a product which includes an additional chemical which takes care of no see ums and biting flies. And then, you have wipes. So these are the various types of deet that you can use, and when you combine deet with permethrin on your clothing, it is pretty much bulletproof protection against insects.

Wondercide has dedicated themselves to discovering the secret to top quality organic pesticides. Today, this company proudly offer professional techniques and advice on how to eliminate biting, flying, and burrowing insects by using only the best organic pesticide

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