Wednesday, February 16, 2011

DEET Free Insect Repellent - Safe, Natural, and Effective

Bugs can kill a good time outside, but luckily there are natural ways to repel insects without the harmful DEET. The natural DEET free insect repellent is a safe way to keep your skin free of bugs, and it truly works.

If you weren't aware of dangers of DEET, you should know that DEET has been associated with brain cell damage in lab testing at Duke University. DEET has been shown to have a serious effect on the nervous system, inhibits the motor skills and possibly leads to memory dysfunction. The reasons that DEET hasn't been full-on banned is because it is regarded as necessary, when it in fact is NOT.

This chemical isn't quite as effective as many have made it out to be. Many store bought insect repellents have DEET listed as the active ingredients that helps to keep away the bugs. What it's actually doing is disguising your scent so bugs can't find you. What you may not know is that there are completely safe, natural alternatives to DEET bug sprays and insect repellents that lack the toxic chemicals. These products often use eucalyptus and lemon to repel insects. These two ingredients have been shown to be just as effective as those chemical bug sprays you might in stores, but just need to be reapplied a little sooner. A small price to pay to avoid some toxic chemicals!

If you're questioning whether or not DEET is really bad for you, think back to your childhood or anytime that you used DEET insect repellent. When you sprayed it on, it stunk. It made you choke, and you couldn't get it on your eyes and face. When you did, it was awful! There's no coincidence that it smells much like roach killer and other bug sprays. We just might be doing a lot more damage to ourselves and our children than we are repelling mosquitoes by using these chemical filled sprays.

Natural bug sprays are a safe and effective way to prevent disease carrying mosquitoes. Put your mind at ease and prevent the possible infection of West Nile Virus and other serious mosquito borne illnesses without the exposure to DEET.

Read more about DEET free natural insect repellents, or click to purchase this insect repellent today to get it shipped right to your door. It's the perfect way to enjoy the outdoors without having to worry about chemicals or biting bugs!

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