Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Understanding How Insect Repellent Protects You From Bug Bites

There is no denying that outdoor activities are one of the most exciting activities you can have. This is probably the reason why many people like to spend lengthy times outdoors. Yet, before you leave your house, you should not forget that bugs are aggravating. The best way to avoid bug bites is to use insect repellent.

So, what is so special about insect repellent and why is it considered as the best protection against bug bites? In this article, you will know how it works.

Insect repellent is a general term used to refer all the repellent used to keep bugs off. But, actually there are different kinds of insect repellents that are out in the market. You can find insect repellent which uses chemicals such as Deet while some are considered natural products which have active ingredients like Citronella and oil such as lemon and eucalyptus. You are surely aware that chemical products have bad effects on your health and purchasing natural repellent is a better choice.

As the name implies, most people believe that this repellent works by repelling insects such as mosquitoes, flies and bugs. Well, some products work like this but there are products that make you smell or taste bad to bugs. There are also products that mask your skin odor. This process can be explained by a simple technology. Insects use their "radar" to locate tasty humans they can bite.

Wearing insect repellent does not give you a hundred percent guarantee that bugs will not bite you anymore. You must understand that there is another reason why you may get bit. It is a common fact that bugs are attracted to the odor of your skin. However, they are also attracted to another odor which you give off. This means that they are attracted to the carbon dioxide coming from your breath.

It can protect your from the danger of bug bite. But, they are only effective in short distances. Thus, you may see some mosquitoes flying closely to you. This does not always mean that they are biting you but, you can detect if they are really biting you because of the sensation that you feel. The best way to know if you have been infested by bugs is to look at the spot where you can feel the sensation. If you see some mark indicating they you have been bitten, you have to put on more repellent in that part of your body.

Although people are aware of the importance of insect repellent, only few of them know how often they should wear insect repellent. Some are still drained whether or not they should wear this kind of repellent all they long. Of course, you have to use it all day long if you are in a place where there is a high concentration of bugs. Also, always bear in mind that the most risky time to be bitten is during dusk or dawn. This is because this is the feeding time for many bug especially mosquitoes.

Insect repellent can protect you from the danger of bug bite. For more info visit: Insect repellent

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